Statements to Live By

These statements help the children and all of us adults too, to think about who we are, what we believe and what we hope to become. We hope that together we will nurture a sense of what it is to be fully human and alive as children and adults sharing in this Christian community.

There are 36 statements in all which are linked to our Religious Education programme and the Catholic life of the school but each one is relevant no matter what our religious beliefs are.

We focus on one statement a week and share these on our Friday Letter.

Statement 1 – We are all special.

Statement 2 – I can say one good thing about myself.

Statement 3 – I can say how I feel.

Statement 4 – I can laugh and have fun.

Statement 5 – I know what to do if I see anyone being hurt.

Statement 6 – I understand that rights match responsibility.

Statement 7 – I try to stand up for myself and others without hurting others.

Statement 8 – I try to be just and fair.

Statement 9 – I can tell you how I look after myself.

Statement 10 – I think before I make choices that affect my health.

Statement 11 – I can work, play, rest and pray each day.

Statement  12 – Simple things can make us happy.

Statement 13 – I try to love others as I love myself.

Statement 14 – I try to follow our school and classroom rules.

Statement 15 – I know I belong in a community that includes my school.

Statement 16 – I know we are happiest when we are united.

Statement 17 – I listen to what you say. I show that I am listening to you.

Statement 18 – I co-operate with others in work and play.

Statement 19 – I try to use words that make the world a better place. (Please, sorry, thank you)

Statement 20 – I try to appreciate the beauty and the wonder in the world around me.

Statement 21 – I know that it is ok for me to make mistakes.

Statement 22 – I can learn from my mistakes and failures.

Statement 23 – I try to keep going when things are difficult and not give up hope.

Statement 24 – I know what humility means.

Statement 25 – I know when to ask for help and who to ask for help from.

Statement 26 – I can recognise comfortable and uncomfortable feelings.

Statement 27 – I know how to help others when they are in trouble.

Statement 28 – I understand what trust means.

Statement 29 – I try to forgive people when they hurt me.

Statement 30 – I try to accept forgiveness from others.

Statement 31 – I know how to show I am sorry.

Statement 32 – I understand the importance of peace.

Statement 33 – I know what human dignity means and I show that I respect others.

Statement 34 – I stand up for people who are being treated unfairly.

Statement 35 – I notice that we are the same and we are different.

Statement 36 – I try to be accepting of others.