The Seven Sacraments – September 2020
The photographs show the whole school collaboration of art pieces showing the seven Sacraments of the Church.
Missionary Discipleship Challenge – 11 May 2020
The challenge for the children and young people across the diocese is based on Vocations. We were invited to write a letter to a priest which was shared on NDCYS live broadcast on the Friday evening. More details about the challenge can be found here:
We featured on the Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service (NDCYS) live YouTube broadcast- (around 29 minutes). The letter and children’s work was posted to Father Martin the same weekend.
Letter from our Lead Lay Chaplain Joe Hopkins
Advent marks the start of A Year of the Word
Thank you to the St Ralph Sherwin CMAT for our new banner to celebrate the start of The Year of the Word.
Listen to the Word of the Lord
The Seven Steps at home and school for Junior Children
With grateful thanks to Reverend Father Anthony Pateman
Bibles for Reception
Here are some of our Reception children receiving a bible to mark The Year of the Word 2020. A gift from the Nottingham Diocesan Education Service. Thanks to the Nottingham Diocesan Catholic Youth Service (NDCYS) based at the Briars for delivering them to us. #Encounter
The Wednesday Word
The children of Saint Mary’s each receive a weekly copy of the Wednesday Word.
Here is a message from Cardinal Vincent Nichols –
“I am pleased to offer a word of encouragement and endorsement for The Wednesday Word. Each Wednesday the materials supplied can help to: Develop a habit of prayer and reflection on the Word of God within the family; Form hearts and minds to hear and understand the Word of God the following Sunday; Put the Word of God into the home of every child in a Catholic school. I offer my prayers and encouragement not only to those who provide The Wednesday Word but also to all those who use it.”
Official Prayer for the Year
Living God,
you walk alongside us
and speak to us throughout the Scriptures.
Your Son, Jesus Christ, listens to our hopes and fears
and shows us how to live for one another.
Send us the Holy Spirit to open our hearts and minds
so that we may be your witnesses throughout the world.
V. Your word is our path and your truth is our light.
R. This day and every day.
Our Lady of the Annunciation
Pray for us
St Matthew
Pray for us
St Jerome
Pray for us
Want to know more? Follow the link below.
The God Who Speaks – Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales