Our Chaplaincy Team meet regularly to plan and put actions on our Development Plan into place.
Our role is to –
- To help the school to be a community of faith.
- To encourage the pupils to live their faith in daily living.
- To develop good relationships within and beyond the school community.
- To support Liturgy, prayer and the spiritual life of the school.
- To involve pupils in fundraising for charities.
- To continue to develop strong links with the Parish.
- To support the school in its Mission Statement.
We have a Chaplaincy Team display board outside the hall which gives information about our activities.
We enjoy working with the Lead Lay Chaplain of the St Ralph Sherwin CMAT, Mr Jamie Agius.
Here is the prayer which we wrote together and say at the start of our meetings.
Lent Term 2023
27 January 2023
Key Stage 2 lunchtime voluntary prayer was focused on marking Holocaust Memorial Day. The Chaplains encouraged visitors to pause, reflect and to tie a knot in a piece of string as a way to always remember.
Advent Term 2022
21 December 2022
During Advent children were asked to bring in donations of food items for Glossopdale Foodbank as part of our ‘Reverse Advent’ initiative. We were overwhelmed with the generous donations.
22 November 2022
To celebrate World Youth Fun Day, we were delighted to welcome Pupil Chaplains from St Philip Howard CVA. The students read bible stories and enjoyed lunch with Years 1 and 2. The visitors showed maturity were considerate with the younger pupils.
11 November 2022
The Pupil Chaplains led our Service of Remembrance. Our Head Boy and Head Girl laid a wreath at the Glossop Service of Remembrance on behalf of the children of Saint Mary’s.
Pentecost Term 2022
The Chaplaincy Team worked with the Lead Lay Chaplain Jamie Agius using the Let Us Pray 2gether liturgical prayer resource.